Saturday, July 10, 2010

Little Fockers

Incredible to think that a concept film has turned into a franchise, but this is Hollywood, and it probably is a highly bankable property.

'Little Fockers' will continue the antics of Ben Stiller's Greg (Gaylord) Focker and Robert DeNiro's ex-CIA father-in-law, Jack Byrnes, though to be honest, after seeing the trailer, they probably shouldn't. After all, by the third film, everyone has met everyone. No more awkward first impressions, which was always the centerpiece to the story.

Not that the trailer doesn't look like a funny movie. These are funny actors playing funny characters. And the unique chemistry between Stiller and DeNiro could probably keep 4 or 5 more 'Focker' films watchable. But interesting? That's another question.

We're told from the trailer that Greg and his wife Pam have two young children and that as the holidays approach, they will be getting visited by grandma and grandpa. Beyond that, the story involves Ben Stiller selling trial packs of an erectile disfunction pill, because let's be honest -- since the central thrust of the 'first-meeting' humor is gone, this third time will have to work harder and shoe-horn in some less-organic laughs.

This is proven to be the case by the fact that the last 40 seconds of a 1:40 trailer are dedicated entirely to explaining this plot thread and it's relevance. Funny, but unfortunate considering the simplicity of this great exchange from the original film when Stiller arrives in his green rental car and while meeting his potential in-laws for the first time, is met with this quip from DeNiro:

Byrnes - "Interesting color. You pick it?"
Focker - "No, the guy at the counter. Why?"
Byrnes - "Well they say geniuses pick green. But you didn't pick it."

As the cast members shown at the end prove, pretty much everyone (except a notably-absent Dustin Hoffman) will be back for this third outing, including some new faces to the franchise. And while the potential for laughs remain, the natural set-up has long since left, as now the Fockers have met the Byrnes, the Byrnes have met the Fockers, and now we're left with simply a disfunctional-family film, allegedly about how scared the little Fockers are of Grandpa DeNiro.

While no doubt setting up to be a flimsier entry in the franchise that should have been a stand-alone film, I do give this an 'In Theaters' rating, if for no other reason then experience has taught me that under whatever silly circumstances, DeNiro and Stiller together make me laugh.

Until next time.

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